Creative Ways To Utilize a Notebook

An empty notebook is full of opportunities, but you can often find yourself wondering, “what am I going to use this for?”. If that’s you, we have a list of creative ideas to make the most of a notebook that can help you to get organized, reflect, or just have some fun. 

To-Do List 

There’s nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned to-do list. Improve productivity by jotting it all down. It’s essential to look more significant than just one day and set a timeline of what needs to be done. Seeing it written before you can help you focus on one item at a time. Plus, nothing beats checking an item off the list! 


We get it; life is busy. Doctor’s appointments, work, soccer practice, date night, birthday party, the plans are never ending. Create a weekly or monthly planner in your notebook to know what’s going on. The best part? It takes up far less space than your typical large calendar. You can take it with you on the go and update it as needed. 

Classic Diary 

We’re bringing diaries back. Who says you can’t be an adult? Write down all the day’s or week’s memories that stood out to you. It’s a great way to clear your mind, but also amazing to look back on years ago and record these special moments. 

Recipes & Meal Planning 

Keep track of new recipes, grocery lists, and your meals for the week in a notebook! When you’re feeling stuck for inspiration on what to cook, you can always look back at it and see what meals you want to explore. We recommend sorting your recipes by easy to hard or the time it takes to make them. That way, when planning your meals, you can work with your schedule and fit it in seamlessly without skimping on a delicious meal. 


We all know the importance of paying bills on time. In a time where almost every payment is made online, and we have more and more added to our plates, writing them down is always a pivotal way to ensure it’s getting done. You can track your monthly spending and use it for budgeting how much money should go. It’s also a great way to work on your savings or set a goal to splurge on a vacation or something new! 

Dream Journal 

You always think you’ll remember the crazy dream you wanted to tell your friend about, but the truth is - you’re going to forget it. Keep a notebook on your nightstand for when dreaming strikes. Plus, if you like to look into what your dreams may mean, it’s the perfect way to compare and contrast. 

Learning Something New

Enroll in an online course, take up a new hobby, or teach yourself something new. The options are endless, but you’ll need to take notes. Use it to help you on your journey! 

Positive Affirmations 

A way to use your notebook as a form of self-care is by writing down positive affirmations. Positive affirmations can help you to build self-confidence and achieve growth. It’s the perfect way to start your day and remind yourself just how important, powerful, and loved you are. 

Gratitude List 

Keeping a gratitude list is a great way to count your blessings literally. Challenging moments happen, but being able to think about the good and write down what you’re thankful for is a great way to help turn things around. Family, friends, health, and more. It could even be as simple as someone paying for your coffee. No moment is too small to be thankful for, and it’s important to remind ourselves of that too. 


For the artist inside of you, use your notebook for all the doodles! Bring out colored pencils or markers and draw what your heart desires. It’s an excellent way to keep a creative spark alive and can also help to distract your mind if it’s feeling overwhelmed or busy. 

At The Kindness Cause, we believe in using things in a way that brings about good. There are many ways to utilize a notebook to help you in your life, no matter how silly you think it may be. We have a handful of options to shop online to make all these possible! Shop our notebooks and pick the one that speaks to you. Plus, each purchase will give back a donation of the sale to a nonprofit on a philanthropic mission close to our hearts.

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